Its all about your life what do you feel about life and about your dreams. I will be putting up my Dreams here and my experience about life. All of you out there can share with all of us reading this blog about your life and dreams.
Monday, September 1, 2008
My Friend
Its been really long this time around since I have written anything. There is a lot happening in my life and things have changed a lot. I lost one of my very close friend and the person whom I admired a lot few months back. There isn't a single day that I don't remember him, its just that I just don't talk to anyone about him.
It was just great with him, the time I spent with him and he probably was one of those rare person who understood me and my dreams. It was a shock for me when suddenly I get a call in the morning when I am supposed to go to office that he is serious and then after sometime he is no more. I did not even go for his cremation ceremony neither did I have the guts to go and see his body. It was our last dinner that we had few days before normally the way we used to have every weekend. This time it was special since I had got a new job and we had celebrated it and since it was also my farewell part.
I still remember we had a long chat that night about what we will be doing in future. He was probably one of the nicest guy that I had ever seen in my life though sometimes I hated him for things he did. Even though that was the case he was my best friend. It was just amazing going around with him in Bangalore, seeing places and talking about girls. He was an master in that but unfortunately could not teach me since I am really bad at it and even he failed in teaching me anything.
I learnt a lot about life, business, professionalism and about living your dream. He never worked for anyone as he always wanted to work independently and that is what he did. A very strait forward guy with a very pure heart. He always stood there for me and was always there for me whenever I needed him.
I miss you a lot Ganesh DADA. I hope that once when you told me that you would like to go back in nature since it was nature who created us, you are now seeing the life after death. You will always remain with me and I will still keep talking to you in my mind.
Miss you a lot
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Is the world ending - 2 ?
Thanks for all your comments and posts. I really don't know what can be done, so that this climate change can be stopped. There are so many things which are happening now in the world, which is a sure indication of what might happen in future.
Look at past 5 years and thats what says a lot, first came the Tsunami, then there was this big destruction, I guess a Hurricane in US, then lately the Myanmar flood and now a big earthquake in China. I am sure many of you wont even agree that this all has happened due to climate change but I do believe that Climate change has a major effect on all the above disasters that struck. We just cant imagine how all these people would be going through now, the pain, physical and mental would be at its peak, losing the dear ones, then too when you know that it came so suddenly which was completely unexpected.
When I travel everyday from my home to office about 20 kms, after seeing the amount of traffic and the amount of pollution happening, if i stay in Bangalore for another 10 to 12 months in this situation I am sure I will face some serious health problems. Every moment when I drive on the roads only thing that pops up in my mind is how can we make these rickshaw drivers, truck drivers all other vehicles understand about the amount of pollution they are creating,although they are not polluting the city purposefully but may be educating them and letting them know about the importance of keeping the vehicle in the proper condition would really help.
Below is an article that I was reading on NDTV website which tells the facts of Global warming today:
Here's a look at what's destroying the earth and how it will change things for all of us.
Carbon emission
# India is the fourth largest carbon emitter in the world after USA, Australia and China.
# USA's per capita carbon emissions are 20 times that of India.
Global warming
# Melting ice from Himalayan glaciers and other global ice sheets causes rise in sea levels.
# Rising sea levels could force 75 million people from Bangladesh and 125 million from India's coastal areas to the interiors.
# Global warming will affect monsoon patterns in India.
Food security
# Steady fall in food supply across the world due to stagnation in farm output.
# Climate change threatens to worsen food insecurity in the world's poorest regions.
# Rising temperatures will affect crop yields in 40 developing countries.
# Global warming will increase food prices by 40 per cent.
Below is the link to the article:
I really hope that someday we will get serious about this issue and start working towards it.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Is the world ending?

Global Warming, increasing climate change, storms and the list goes on which is being happening in past few years.
When we look back and see how our planet was and how it is today it is really strange that even though we knew what are the effects of using any particular product which is going to effect the environment thinking that what the hell of a difference its gonna make if only I use it, with a single user its gonna make no difference well this is what all of us think.
We think a lot about ourselves when it comes to life that is what human tendency is, we are hardly bothered whats happening in the outside world. When people ask us what are your future plans, most of the common answers that you get are " well i would like to be an software engineer or doctor or something else and get into a good job get settled and live my life". What do you mean by getting settled inst there any responsibility towards their society towards their land which has given us so much.
People invest thousands and cores with a 10 year or a 20 year plan but the way the climate change is being happening who knows what is going to remain and what is not, small children who are dreaming about seeing tomorrow, they don't even know if they will be able to see it the way it is today.
I have hardly seen anyone being serious about Global warming even students who are studying environment, at least they should be taking some steps towards that and doing some awareness about sudden climate change. No ones taking it seriously apart from few of people who realize the importance of it, rest of us we all are just worried whats gonna happen in our lives and that we wanna live a good settled life.
Even if all of us we can understand and realize each of us can contribute towards it in our own manner. As far as I am concerned I have already started and I am going to keep on writing on this topic for a very long time. I have not yet got a internet connection at home which I should get soon,once I get that I will be writing a whole lot of articles on this. I hope that all you readers will pass on this articles to your friends.
I dont want publicity to my web blog,if you feel so post it, I will create a different blog only for our planet Earth which is mother of all living things on the planet.
Alok B Iyengar
Monday, April 21, 2008
My First Ever Single Seater Formula Race back in 06 - Old Memories :)
I went to the track in the afternoon . I first tested the Red car in which I had tested previously which had brake problems and the also engine problems , I tested around 4 laps and came in the pits with the complaint that engine was not working properly . So my team owner saw the car and said that the engine is dead and he will have to replace the engine . Ah all this had to happen during the race weekend only , but still we had an day or so , meanwhile he was preparing another single seater car . He said he will be giving me that car to drive for the race . This bought me a bit of hope . The next day on friday we came early morning to the track the whole morning was spent preparing the new car , I mean it was not new it had old chasis and old tyres only thing new was he was preparing the car . Meanwhile my teammate came who was then told that he will be driving the red car .
So atlast the new White car was prepared for testing in the afternoon , I first went out for testing man the car was handling very badly , it had a big oversteer problem due to which it was realy difficlut to handle so I went a bit slow , i was say about 6 seconds off pace of pole position time . Then my teammate went who was a good experinced driver in the Saloon car and a very nice person . He went out and he was 5 seconds off pace my timing . This thing had started worrying me . I told my team owner , he said its not a problem you are a new driver just go out there and drive , this thing had realy frustrated me . But I had decided not to give up on this car which had 2 years old tyre which had no grip and no alignment also . Finaly somehow i clocked a OK time which was about 2.8 seconds behind pole with these 2 years old tyre and oversteer problem and my teammate was 1.8 seconds behind me in the same car . My team owner then said that he will prepare the car properly with changing the settings on saturday . This thing bought a bit of relief in me as I knew changing the tyres itself will bring my timings down by 2 seconds and remaining time I can get it by myself .
Then the main day came , it was saturday and I came to the track at around 7 30 am . I was realy a lot exited and also a bit worried about the car . All the mechanics came and also the team owner . I cleaned the body of my car so that I can put my names new sticker and also my Car number . Meanwhile the mechanics were preparing the red car and also the white car . They were fitting new engine in the red car . Then all the drivers were being called for drivers briefing . We were being told that the first official practise will start at around 10 am that is just after 5 minutes . I went running to my pits to change my dress and put on my suit and shoes . Then suddenly I was being told that I wond be driving the White car and my teammate will be driving and that I will be driving the Red Car instead which will take atleast 3 more hours to get it fully prepared .So this means that I will be missing both the official practise . But i still had soem hope that if the car gets prepared before qualifying then atleast I can drive in few laps and qualify in top ten . I kept on watching both the practise sessions just hoping that my car will get prepared in time .
Then the time came for qualifying and my car was still not ready . Qualifying started and I was still in the pits waiting for my car getting prepared .Finaly my car was prepared and i went out of the pits with just about 5 minutes of qualifying remaining . I was being told not to drive more than 3 laps as the engine is new and the car is not being prepared totaly for race conditions .I went out there and did around 3 laps . But a big problem had hapeened , as the engine was new and the car balance was not proper there was no straight line speed on it and that my car was way off pace with some heating problem as well . I came in the pits and again another problem had occured , the battery of my car was dead . But I still had managed to qualify on 12 out of 14 Drivers on Grid .
I was disappointed but I knew race is different scenario hoping that my car will change till the time . The race was about to start , we all went on the grid . The five lights were about to go off . The race was go and I had made a good start overtaking 2 drivers on the start itself going to 10 . Then on that lap itself there was one retirement pushing me to 9 , but again i Noticed the same engine problem no straight line speed , I managed to still go upto 8 but then the same thing no speed so drivers started overtaking me on straights very easily and then the heating problem started and I had to retire on the 6 lap due to the heating problem and no speed . It was an disappointing end to my first race . Then I knew there is another race where I can perform better but then in the second race , my car stalled on the grid due to battery going off [Battery deid ]. Other than this there were a lot of things going on inside as well which as of now better of that I dont tell but one thing is for sure this race thaught me a lot and has made my will of racing till my last breath more and I will surely one day achieve my dream ,
This article I had written long time back when I started racing in single seater I have just put up this article to bring back my motivation, I had prepared my first site then about 2 years back
I will write my other race experiences soon as I really need that motivation back and only way I can bring it back is going back in the past.
Thanks and bye,
Ayrton (Alok)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I always create trouble for myself and I dont know why do I do it everytime
Its being a while since I have posted anything its always like this but anyways I am really sad very sad today but where in I should actually be happy. I resigned from my post in my current company which gave me so much but then you guys might be thinking then why did I resign sometimes i wonder myself why did I but then i say myself I was going no where from here as things took a massive change, directions changed and the wind started blowing very fast taking me back to where I had started from again to reach my destination, after so much of hard work, dedication to reach my goal I am finding myself again standing at the same position where I had planned everything 10 months back before joining this company and moving to Mumbai.
My CEO who always believed in me so much and the person whom I respected the most in my organization and who also plays a very important role in my life for inspiring me when it comes to work, I disappointed him by giving him this news, he is really very much disappointed and for sure a bit angry on me as I took this decision. I had no other choice I had lost all my motivation to work here, it was effecting my performance on daily basis, one of the guy from the Dubai office is playing hell lot of politics, I did try to bring it to notice but it seems I have been taken in a negative way. Its better that I stop saying anything about anyone which I havent though till now but I just told few things which were not going right but I am sure I have being taken in a wrong way but this is how the life goes it seems.
Life is really tough when you try to be honest way too much honest but I did learn a very big thing from my CEO today which would surely help me a lot in future thanks to him. I am going to miss my work place, my friends there,life in new company is not going to be easy the work pressure would be very high, with a hell lot of expectations its again a new start completely new team I dont know how its going to be, new test everyday new exams everyday handling the pressure. The most wurst part being that I would be missing my Bro and sis with whom I have had chance to spend so much of time and we had our moments to share, although I never liked Mumbai but still I will miss Mumbai.
I wont be able to visit my parents now on every weekend now, lifes gonna take a new way now and I dont know what to do in next 8 months, I wrote next 3 months are very important for me well it has started, sometimes I wonder why cant I be happy when the situation is good why do I think so much why do I care so much why am I so honest cant I be cruel cant I cheat people i dont why cant I do this, being honest doing things which I like but still nothing makes me happy when I want to be happy.
I just hope that someday things will be in my hand and I am able to move forward from this step, its truly said by the champions, for one particular moment just to get there you sacrifise a lot, go through a lot of pain, see a lot of things, hear a lot of things, miss a lot of things but only to get that one moment in your life the moment which makes you forget all the pain, all the sorrow,all the things you missed out on and gives you the happiness that nothing else could have ever given you.
All I know is that I need to work hard may be a lot more than I did, not to get attached way too much towards work try to relax a bit when the time comes, not to be way too honest be honest when needed. A lot of things to learn after stepping out of this organization. Life is tough.
Never Give up on your Dreams,
Sunday, January 27, 2008
My Dream - Childhood
Its been after a very long time that I am actually going to post something on my own blog this is really funny I had opened this blog around 8 months back thinking that I will post a lot of my thaughts but then I dont know why havent I done that I have had a lot of things going in my mind a lot of things I tried to do but eventually nothing went according to what I had planned I guess that is what is called LIFE. Life is the best teacher in your life it is life which teaches you the most. Let me start out by telling how did racing actually got in my mind, its not only about racing in my life but it is racing that brings a meaning to my life and gives me a chance to experience all the things that is there.
I was very young when I used to get fascinated seeing Local Buses and video coach buses I used to wait for hours in the night to watch a video coach bus just to see the TV inside the Bus.Then I used to play for hours alone in my garden with a brick which used to be a car and I used to draw a lap on the mud and used to play with that brick for hours and hours, I still didnt knew that this is how it actually happens in racing that the race cars have to actually complete a lap. It was due to my elder brother that I started watching F1 when I was 11 and kept on following it until it really started getting into my mind. I used to dream a lot about racing that someday I will drive an F1 car but that time practically it was not possible so I used only dream for Fun which I used enjoy a lot. I have been day dreamer since my childhood, have taken a lot of scoldings because of dreaming all the time, I never had big bunch of friends although the few that I had rarely I used to play with them because most of the time I used to be busy either playing in my garden in the mud or some other garden in the mud with the brick or the rest of the time playing cricket or playing with a plate kept on my bed with my slippers kept upside down which I used to use it as brake acceleration and clutch so in total 3 slippers and a stick which I used to use it as a gear.
I always had this thing going in my mind from my childhood of not living a normal life the way I had seen people living including my own parents not living normal doesn't mean living a celebrity life but rather to do something out of this life do something that people will remember me do something that something good will come out of it for myself for others to the whole world which is what actually kept me away from getting involved with other activities like going behind girls, hanging out with friends which I did for sure but not on a regular basis, it was not until I was 13 I actually started talking with lot more people. My childhood was awesome for me it gave me all I ever wanted in every way, I still remember catching a gold fish near my house when it had rained in the pot hole water, I had kept that fish for few days but it died later, I still remember catching butterflies for hours running behind them. Going in big gardens and stealing small plants from there, it was awesome. Wait for my next post on childhood. The best part of everyones lives not everyones actually lucky ones like us who are luck enough to have a proper childhood are the best days of our lives.
Many Thanks,
Signing Off,
Alok B Iyengar